Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who was Augustine of Hippo?

Augustine of Hippo was the Bishop of Hippo. He was born at Tagaste in the year 354. His mother put him into Christian education, and had him signed with the cross and enrolled among the catechumens. Augustine said this, "From my tenderest infancy, I had in a manner sucked with my mother's milk that name of my Saviour, Thy Son; I kept it in the recesses of my heart; and all that presented itself to me without that Divine Name though it might be elegant, well written, and even replete with truth, did not altogether carry me away". This refers to one of the main thoughts he deeply engraved into his soul. His heart was in philosophy. Augustine devoted himself greatly to his character. He belived that hierarchies destroyed everything and built up nothing. He became acquianted with Christian doctrine and the fusion of Platonic philosophy and dogmas were formed in his mind. He was stricken with a fatal illness at the age of 76 and past away in the year 430.

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Citation: Portalié, Eugène. "Life of St. Augustine of Hippo." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 2. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
12 March 2010 .
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