Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is 'Change' a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?

What is change? Is change good or bad? Who and what causes change? These are all questions that are capable of being answered. If you were to look up the word “change” in a dictionary, there are about 20 different definitions for the word. Change could be in your wallet, in your own self, in your family, and in your world. Today, I’m going to answer the question, is change good or bad? No matter what humans say or do, change is inevitable. It will happen and someone or something will be affected. Everything changes in my opinion. Everywhere you go a change is occurring. Changes are happening right before your very own eyes. The weather, time, days, seasons, people, animals and so forth. Are these changes good? Are these changes bad? I presume that change is both good and bad depending on the situation you are experiencing. Now, here are my thoughts on why change is good and why change is bad.
Change is a good thing. Why is change a good thing? Change is a good thing because what was once before is now a new, better thing than it was in the past. For example, computers back in the early 80’s were ridiculously bulky and were extremely complicated to figure out. Today, in 2010 computers that were once sitting on a table or on a desk, can now sit comfortably on your lap. Computers such as computer chips are as small as a quarter and as thin as a paperclip. The internet is changing, because things are being added to it. The internet is also improving. Knowledge is being spread throughout the world while connecting people of different colors, cultures, and places. The general public can communicate back and forth to one another, in the blink of an eye. In this case, change is a good thing.
People become willing to change if the item they are changing for is a high-quality, good thing. If people have to change their religion, clothing, and ways of living, this is where problems arise. In 1979, a Revolution happened in the country of Iran. The Persian people resisted the change their new leader, the “Shah”, was putting on them. The Shah believed the country was being contaminated of Western culture, such as influences from the United States and so on. He made women cover their bodies head to toe in garments that were black and modest. The veil was hated by many women. Partying was out of the question, and you couldn’t even think about being happy in a time like this. The Shah was corrupt, brutal, overly ambitious, and extravagant in a bad way. In this instance, change is bad thing.
Change is a bad thing. Why is change a bad thing? Change is a bad thing because something beforehand could have been incredible and prosperous, but then change happens and everything plummets away from each other. For example, if the United States has an intelligent, powerful president why would they want to change that? That is simple, they would not. But because of certain laws, our president will change. It is to be anticipated. Those laws can be changed, but who will step up and change them? On the other hand, is there a way we, an advanced human race, can bring into play a way to stop change from happening? That is a question I cannot answer but I do not think it is impossible to reciprocate to.
In a historical sense is change good or bad? In my opinion, change in history is once again, both good and bad. The way history and the world have changed for the good is that mankind now has highly developed technological advancements. From a simple wheel and axle, pulley, screw, lever, and an inclined plane the social order has created spectacular systems and machines. From the first domesticators of animals, people today have learned to domesticate animals to benefit people. Buildings are now more sustainable to withstand earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters. Original building documents have sent masonry on a hard to believe journey through time. Roads have been built, instead of dirt roads for people to travel on and get to where they need to be. People are smarter because of the scientific discoveries such as the discovery of DNA, water on the moon, and the discovery of potential life on Mars. It is truly amazing how our past has shaped the future for the good of mankind.
In the way history and the world have changed for the bad is that society and life is now filled with war, drugs, violence, misjudgment and corrupt individuals. Police force and laws are used to stop criminals from stealing. Doctors are used to treat bullet wound, and stabbing victims. War has caused some individuals to lose legs or arms, and most of the time, their sanity. Terrorists roam the earth, and have acted out in ways that caused a number of innocent people to lose their lives. Genocide was a bad change that occurred in Sierra Leone and is currently happening in Rwanda. Change sometimes causes the worst to be brought out of people. Once more, change could be avoidable but I fear that people of earth do not have a yearning to resist a course of action that could wind up good or bad.
When all's said and done humans will not be open to change if what they are being changed into is irrevocably uncalled for. Irrational, outrageous requests from people, nature, or society will not be tolerated by strong willed citizens. The world is changing, and it is up to us to adapt and change to our surroundings and new environment. If this is not a reachable circumstance, mankind is in dire need of a helping hand. I think mankind can balance the transform between good change and bad change. It will take endeavor and effort but it is not without a solution to reach.
Image from:
Work Cited: "Iranian Revolution". 1/28/10 .

What is History? History is...

What is history? How did we get where we are today? How can history guide us into the future? The way people answer these questions is through theories. There are four theories on what history is and how everything came about. The first theory is the Linear Theory. This clarifies that our history has a beginning and will have an end. The second theory is the Cyclic Theory. This explains that past events are a specific pattern of cycles. There is no reason to live another day or go back in time, because history will just repeat itself in a pattern. Cyclical history dictates the major forces that motivate human actions and return them in a cycle. The third theory is the Hegelian Theory. Basically, a series of events will happen, which will jumpstart a new series of events into motion. There is no beginning or end to this theory. The fourth theory is the Vortex Theory. This explains that history is inconsistent. History can become immense then become insignificant. This means it has the capability to fluctuate. Now that we have gone over the theories, which of these are ludicrous and which one is the acceptable theory? Well, they all seem logical but one is superior to the rest.
My standing on which theory of history is the best is the Hegelian theory of history. This theory explains that the triad of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is a continuing process that forms new events and happenings. The thesis is an advanced, intellectual proposition. The antithesis is the reaction to the proposition which sends the synthesis into solving the conflict between the thesis and antithesis by reconciling their common truths. Thus, the synthesis creates a new proposition setting the cycle back up again. I believe there was never a beginning nor end to history. History and the universe have been forever constant with no beginning or end. The Hegelian theory explains the past and will guide us into the future.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was the German philosopher who created the Hegelian theory. He was born on August 27, 1770 in Stuttgart, Germany. He was also one of the creators of German Idealism. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel believed that is was customary to distinguish critical philosophy of history from speculative philosophy of history. Critical philosophy of history is the "theory" aspect of the discipline of academic history, and deals with questions such as the nature of historical evidence, the degree to which objectivity is possible, and so on. Speculative philosophy of history is a branch of philosophy concerning the eventual significance, if any, of human history. Speculative history asks at least three basic questions. What is the proper unit for the study of the human past? In this instance, are you studying the individual subject? Are you studying the city or sovereign territory? Are you studying the culture or civilization? Or are you studying the human species as a whole? The next main question is, are there any extensive patterns that we can discern through the study of the human past? For example, are there any patterns of progress or developmental cycles? Do you personally think history is deterministic? Or are there no patterns or cycles and is human history just completely random and unplanned? The third and final question that is posed is, if history as a matter of fact can be said to progress, what is history’s ultimate direction.
Through this speculation, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was trying to stature up a theory that could tell mankind what force is driving history, and who and how are they doing it. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel theorized that critical philosophy and speculative history, speculated a possible teleological end to its development. This theory ultimately asks if there is a design, purpose, directive principle, or finality in the processes of human history.
This theory is better than the others because it makes the most sense. A single event has to happen to set another event in motion. I find it odd but interesting that I can actually see this theory unfold in everyday life. It is simple to comprehend and easy to view in everyday happenings. The Hegelian theory can be interpreted in the simplest way, but at the same time it can be a challenging concept to grasp. The simple way is to just realize that one event triggers the next. But it isn’t all the easy for some people. For a quantity of people with abstract thinking, they think of what might have happened if the first occurrence was different. This theory can be related to intense human thinking and critical judgment. Here’s a scenario that would help put this theory into a real life situation. John Smith left his house at seven o’clock and while traveling just fifteen minutes away from where he started, he hits a deer that is trying to cross the road. His car is damaged, he is injured and now a usually serene animal is dead. If John Smith were just to wait fifteen minutes and left his house at 7:15, the whole state of affairs would have been avoided. The deer would have crossed the road safely, and John Smith would then have not past that specific part of road until 7:30. Therefore, this time slot is giving the deer enough time to cross the road safely. This sparks a new thought that history is not susceptible to change, but what will become history is. This is otherwise known as, the future.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s theory is the most valuable to humans because it obvious that occasions in the universe is not unexpected, they are planned. A force behind it all is creating a time line that is unremitting and will unfold as we, humans, live through it all day to day. Events are already planned out, but they have a possibility to change. This change could be either good or bad. The outcome is what we as humans will just have to wait and see, using the Hegelian theory of history, what the future has in store for us.

Image from:

Work Cited: -Nosotro, Rit. "Is history cyclic or linear?". 1/27/10
-"Philosophy of history". 1/28/10

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Importance of "Agua".

"Water has no taste, no color, no odor; it cannot be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself. It fills us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses." - Antoine De Saint-Exupery. Antoine is correct. Water is not necessary for life, it is life. Water was extremely important in the ancient world. It was used to drink, irrigate crops, and to cook with. Without water, a society would be nonexsistent. For example, if the Mayans did not have access to water, their entire advanced civilization would have collapsed. If you were to look on a map it would be obvious that every major city or metropolitan area is located near water. If evidence of water is found on a foreign planet or extraterrestrial place it shows that life may have been supported or that the place is supporting life.

Image from:

Quote by: Antoine De Saint-Exupery (1900-1944), Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Significance of Megaliths & Rise of Agriculture.

Significance of Megaliths:

In the year 4200-2000 B.C. organized groups built monumental stone burials in northwestern europe, and in the Morbihan region in southern Brittnay.
A burial site such as Île Longue, which was built in 4100 B.C., includes a chamber with a corbeled dome and a passage faced with huge slabs. The significance of this is that it shows how advanced civilization was in ancient times. It showed that mankind respected the dead. This is evidence that they were organized and humane.

Significance of the Rise of Agriculture:
Farmers began to settle in Europe and they began to cultivate the land. Wheat and barely grew abundantly in the Near East and gradually spread westward. Ox-driven plows made of wood, were used to lead up to planting crops. Farmers cleared forests to make a path of larger fields and venerate cattle with ceremonial burial. Early farmers made and used unpainted pottery engraved with linear embellishment. Similarities in pottery pieces linked regions of a vast distance apart. The significance of all of this is that it is evidence of settlement. People that were once nomadic, were now staying in one area to cultivate the land and build a society. Also, its significant that people were becoming technologically advanced. For example, their ox-driven plow. Trading with other groups seemed like a logical way to recieve the resources or services that they did not have.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is history to me?

History is the past. It is how we got to where we are today. There are several theories of history, but all are presumed to be correct. History opens new doors for the future. As for the past it already created, those doors remain open. Open to study, to observe, and to venerate. In my opinion, history is the greatest thing to study.

4 Theories of History:
1. Linear Theory of History
2. Cyclic history is a theory which dictates that the major forces that motivate human actions return in a cycle.
3. The Hegelian Theory of History: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
4. Vortex Theory of History


Hegelian Theory of History
Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
Event 1: John, strongest kid in class, doesn't tie his shoes + Event 2: John picks on group of kids, bullying them.
Event 3: = John chases the kids, but slips out of his shoe.
Event 1: John sprains his ankle. + Event 2: John gets jumped on the way home from school.
Event 3: John goes to the hospital.
Event 1: John has a broken arm + Event 2: John needs to get surgery
Event 3: John's family doesn't have the money to pay for surgery